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The Commoner King

A Letter from the Director



About twelve years ago, my friend, Master Owen the Merry, asked me to read a scene from a new play that he’d begun writing, set in the fictitious SCA Kingdom of Athelbross. I read the part of Duke Nathan Breakstone, and I knew, right then and there, that when the play was finished and the production was staged that I had to play this part.


In collaboration with Fionn ui Neill, Master Owen finished the play, it was produced, and I got my wish to play Duke Breakstone. I consider the role to be the finest and most fulfilling of my acting career, and the show to be the most successful SCA production with which I’ve ever been associated.


This year the SCA celebrates its 50th Anniversary, Master Owen the Merry is the Kingdom Bardic Champion of An Tir, and The Commoner King celebrates the 10th anniversary of its last performance.


Thanks to the sponsorship of the An Tir Players, I have the great honor of bringing the 10th anniversary revival of The Commoner King to the stage, for one night only, at An Tir’s September Crown Tourney.


The Commoner King examines and considers some of the basic preconceptions and conventions of the game we all play; the dream we all share. It is a grand tale of love, honor, and chivalry. It will make you laugh, and perhaps, make you cry.


I hope you will join us at September Crown.


Julian Sinclair




The Tempest is upcoming at Twelfth Night 2016


King Henry IV, part 1 is upcoming at Kingdom Bardic 2016







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